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Terms of Service

The following sites are strictly not allowed:

X Sites containing material not belonging to you, gambling, nudity, sex, pornography, foul language, hate propaganda, anything illegal, mail fraud, pyramid schemes, or insults to other persons or companies.
X Adult sites.
X Sites containing material that is grossly offensive to the Web community, including blatant expressions of bigotry, racism, hatred, or profanity, or for promoting or providing instructional information about illegal activities, or promoting physical harm or injury against any group or individual.
X Sites selling weapons and sites of terrorist organizations.
X Sites related to hacking,warez,capturing passwords,capturing credit card numbers.

FormBuddy makes no guarantee of the availability of this service.

A member must have a web site which is up and running and must setup his form within 10 days of joining.

Member must not resort to SPAM to promote his/her website.

FormBuddy does not allow you to take credit card numbers from your form. In other words, you cannot setup a form(which uses FormBuddy) asking for your visitor's credit card number.

You may not e-mail/instant message the links of the forms hosted by us (using our form hosting feature) to anyone. You can place such links only in your website.

Failure to abide by the above conditions will result in the immediate termination of membership.

FormBuddy reserves the right to modify its terms of service with or without notice.

By registering with FormBuddy,you agree to the above terms.

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