常在心 (BeingMyHeart.com) 報名表格

Web-Site: http://www.beingmyheart.com/
Email: info@beingmyheart.com

活動報名:   直接致電:2961 4815 / 6932 6860 或 填妥下列表格網上報名





電郵地址(e-mail): 請認真填寫*
手提電話號碼(cell phone): 請認真填寫*
別(Gender)* 男Male 女Female
出生日期(Birth date)*
有沒有參加過本會活動?(Have you joined our activities before?) 有Yes 沒有No
教育程度(Education Level)*
工作行業(Job Type)*

1 月16日(Sat Night) 'Memorable' Party (General event)

1月16日(Sat Night) 'PARIS' Dating (Professional Event)

1 月23日(Sat Night) 'Best Wishes' Party (General event)

1月23日(Sat Night) 'MILANO' Dating (Professional Event)

1 月30日(Sat Night) 'HeHe HaHa' Party (General event)

1月30日(Sat Night) 'TOUCHING MATCH' Dating (Professional Event)

2 月6日(Sat Night) 'Pre-Chinese New Year' Party (General event)

2月6日(Sat Night) 'HEART to HEART' Dating (Professional Event)
Speed Dating(極速約會)研習坊:“極速”溝通致勝法 (Wed Night) >> 詳細情況-Details
Table For Six (六人餐桌)*
1 月19日(Tue Night) '大專以上學歷人士' Table For Six >> 詳細情況-Details
1月28日(Thur Night) '基督教徒' Table For Six >> 詳細情況-Details
總參加人數(No. of participants)*

配對喜好(Your ideal partner's requirement)(optional 選擇性填寫)
由(From) 至(To)
教育程度(Education Level) (如有)
配對其他條件要求(Other requirement) (如有)

*請不好填寫這些符號在格內 < > ! ; # | & \ *
對本會的意見(Suggestion to us)

*請不好填寫這些符號在格內 < > ! ; # | & \ *
如何得知本會(How can you know us)* Yahoo.com msn.com Myradio.com 朋友介紹(Introduced by friend(s)) 雜誌 (Magazine) 報紙 (Newspaper) Facebook.com Google.com 電郵宣傳 (E-mail) 其他(Others)

*Anyone who sent this form is deemed to understand that this form is an agreement between you & http://beingmyheart.com

DO NOT submit usernames or passwords or other sensitive/financial information using the above form. Click here to report abuse if the above form asks for your username/password/financial information.